Morse decoder circuit
Morse decoder circuit

Photo 3 shows the completed shield attached to an which I have added the microphone amplifier and tone oscillator. For this reason I have not added it to the shield but attached it directly to the morse-key jack for ease of adjustment. increasing its value decreases the audio output from the speaker. The 330 ohm resistor in series with the morse key limits the D4 output current in the event of an accidental short to ground. Photo 1 shows the circuit diagram for the morse decoder.Ī morse key or sturdy push-button is required if you wish to use the sender. The parts list for the optional 320 x 240 TFT display module is listed in my instructable. The estimated cost of the morse decoder shield, less the optional TFT display, is $25. 1 only 130 x 68 x 44mm ABS plastic box.1 only 3.5mm mono socket (for morse key).1 only 3.5mm mono plug (for morse key).1 only 2.2 Inch TFT SPI LCD Display Module 240*320 ILI9341 with SD Card Slot for Arduino Raspberry Pi 51/AVR/STM32/ARM/PIC.The following parts were obtained locally:

morse decoder circuit

  • 1 only prototype shield for Arduino UNO R3, 2.54mm Pitch.
  • The TFT module is described in my instructable.
  • The TFT display module is optional as all text is sent to your Arduino “Serial Monitor”.
  • The cover photo shows a fully assembled unit.
  • The following characters and symbols are recognised:
  • both incoming and outgoing text are displayed.
  • an audible output when practicing morse.
  • morse decoder circuit

  • a “Binary Morse Tree” for decoding the signal.
  • a Goertzel digital bandpass filter for separating unwanted signals.
  • The incoming code is displayed as text on your Arduino Serial Monitor (or TFT screen if fitted)Ī tone oscillator has been included should you wish to practice sending morse. The decoder, which automatically adjusts to the send speed, is capable of decoding morse up to at least 80 words per minute.


    This instructable explains how to decode Morse Code using an Arduino Uno R3.

    Morse decoder circuit